Retro One Thing 1/23/20 We have the peace of God

Philippians 4:7 NASB  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension (understanding), will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

According to this verse, if you are in Christ, you don’t just have peace, but you have the peace of God. Can you imagine what kind of peace God experiences all the time? Try to comprehend the depth of it. Obviously, God is aware of all the chaos in this fallen world and the warfare in the spiritual realm involving heaven’s angelic Army and the demonic powers of darkness, and we know that God’s heart is broken over man’s inhumanity to man and yet in all this the God is at peace in ways that are incomprehensible to us. Jesus even said in the upper room discourse, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” Romans 14:27.

The peace that the world gives is a circumstantial peace that comes and goes according to the situation, but God is always at peace regardless of the chaos. It does not mean that God is okay with everything, but it does mean that he’s always at peace even when things are happening outside of his perfect will. It is part of his nature, and because we are in Christ, we are partakers of His divine nature, according to 2 Peter 1. In light of that reality, we are in union with the peace of God. One of the ways we can tell that we are abiding in Christ is that when things are happening around us that we can’t understand, we are supernaturally at peace. When you are abiding in the peace of God, then your heart is guarded from all the crazy emotions that you might feel in those times of your life when incomprehensible things are happening, and the peace of God also keeps your mind from racing and obsessing about the situation out of fear. The peace of God is like a fortress that guards our hearts and our minds no matter the chaos around us. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 says, “Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance.”

Here is a practical question. How do we get that peace to operate in our lives? Well, for me, it goes kind of like this: when I find myself in a situation that I don’t understand how it could be happening or how in the world it’s going to work out, and my emotions start bouncing off the wall, my mind begins to race and obsess, and I can’t turn my thoughts off, I stop and listen to the Lord, whom I am in union with, and He always speaks into my heart these simple words, “I’ve got peace about this.” When I hear the Lord speak that kind of thing to me in the midst of chaos, I usually respond by asking, “So Lord, you’ve got peace in this,” and he always answers me, “Yes, I’ve got peace about this.” At that point, I simply start abiding in Him, sink into His peace, and make my declaration of faith, “Lord, if you got peace about this, then I’ve got peace about this.” At that point I have practically entered into “His Rest.”

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