Whenever you find yourself in an emotional or spiritual valley, it is usually because the day of the Lord is near. Whenever you are about to break through into a place where you experience more of the “all that is ours” in Jesus, you usually find yourself in a valley. You may not even be aware that the day of the Lord is near (that you are just on the edge of breaking through into that place you have prayed into and have longed for) because all you can see and feel is the valley. It is important for you to realize that the valley that you are in is actually a valley of decision that will impact your destiny in the Lord. In that valley, will you either choose to say yes to Him and trust Him, or you will choose to listen to the enemy and come into agreement with him, not realizing that the valley is offering you an opportunity for a deeper yes to Jesus, and an opportunity to trust him at a new level, which will usher you into a new day in the Lord. Valleys are places of decision; make sure you choose Him.