Retro One Thing 09/17/2013

Rev. 21:5  And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He *said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.”
Rom. 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Christ is in the business of building up and not tearing down. Notice what it says about God in Rom. 15:13. Our God is a God of hope. That means He doesn’t quit on you, He believes in you. He is optimistic about you because He is committed to making you new. He loves you and love “hopes all things.”  His love for you isn’t the love of a poor parent who despairs over a child that will be forever a failure, but loves them anyway. Instead, His love is full of vision and purpose for you. He sees who you truly are as a New Creation, the real you, and is unshakably committed to seeing you become all that you are in Christ.

It’s like teaching a child to play the violin. Every time they mess up you don’t kick them out, or if in despair they cry “I just can’t do it” or “I’ll never get it right,” you don’t affirm their discouragement. Instead, you tell them, “Of course you can!!” and you show them where they messed up and how to get it right.

When He redeemed you, He expected lots of mess ups and He isn’t there to condemn you when you do. He is there to show you how to get it right and He even enables you to do it. He believes you will get it right and He is constantly encouraging you to believe. Hebrews says that we, the Mature, are those who have practiced righteousness. Heb.5:14.

The only way to grow into all you are created to be in Christ is to PRACTICE. Practice assumes mess ups on the way to getting it right. Thank God that during practice our God is a God of hope.

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