Retro One Thing 08/05/2013

2Tim. 2:13 If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.

I quoted this from the King James Version because it is the most accurate translation of this verse. This scripture is such a game changer in the life of faith. I don’t know about you, but there are times when the warfare is so intense and the situation is so bleak that I struggle to believe. In those times, my way of escape from the unbelief that is crowding in, is to remember that He always remains faithful because He can’t deny Himself. In other words, He will always be faithful to be Himself in every situation. He will always be who He is and do what He does every moment, no matter how it feels or looks in the natural. He simply can not deny being what and who He is. This is my refuge in times of doubt and fear. This is where I rest. I’m not always sure about how strong my faith is but I’m convinced Jesus will be faithful to be Jesus. He can’t help it because He can’t deny Himself.

The verse below gives us some latitude as to when we can rest in His faithfulness to be Himself. Whatever He, as Lord, calls you to do or whatever situation He calls you (even without your permission) into, in other words, in all things and at all times, those we can rest in.

1Th. 5:24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

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