Retro One Thing 07/26/2016

Luke 6:12, It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God.
John 3:11 Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know and bear witness of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony.

Have you ever wondered what Jesus talked about with his father all night in prayer? What did he contemplate? What was the conversation like during those long hours? When talking to Nicodemus in John chapter 3 Jesus said, “we speak that which we know and bear witness of that which we have seen.” Who is Jesus referring to when he said “we.” I believe he’s talking about Himself and the Holy Spirit. You see, I believe that when Jesus prayed he prayed in union with the Holy Spirit, as he conversed with the Father. I also believe that in those hours of prayer, that Jesus spent by the Holy Spirit in fellowship with his Father, they reimagined the world together. Just think of it, in prayer we get to dream with God and reimagine the world whole again, free from the power of the evil one, under the reign of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus left those times of prayer and went out into the world, re-creating it one person at a time, in the power and the love of the Holy Spirit. He went out recreating what he reimagined during those hours he dreamed with The Father.
Another said this, “No matter what our specific calling, no matter what degree of skill in vocation or occupation we possess, what knowledge we have obtained, what intelligence we were born with, what craftsmanship we exercise, we are made to make. Whatever our position, role, challenges, resources, or lack of any of these, we are called by the Spirit of God, full of love and power, to re-create the world.”
Don’t be afraid to dream big, the One in whose image you were created does.

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