Retro One Thing 07/11/2017

As I mentioned previously, the victorious life which is available to every Christian requires two wings to fly. The first wing, as we talked about yesterday, is the wing of absolute surrender to the Lordship of Christ in your daily living. I want to look at that a little more before we move to the second wing. You see, Christ will not live His life through you as your advisor or as your assistant. He can and will only live his life through you as total sovereign and Lord over every area of your life. To once again reiterate something I said yesterday, “If you want to experience living through you the life of the Lord, then He has to reign in you as the Lord of your life.” Total surrender to His lordship doesn’t just mean that you’ve committed your life to following Jesus. A lot of Christian say that and think just because they’re serious about their Christianity that somehow Jesus is reigning as Lord in all the areas, big and small, of their life. Every believer possesses all that Jesus is, but to the degree that Jesus daily possesses all that you are will be the degree that you experience all that He is.

Often the struggle is over some small matter or attitude which we refuse to surrender. Others are seeking to glorify God by self effort and energy. Others have some cherished sin or habit, some past wrong which should be righted, which prevent the full experience of God’s power in daily life. Remember, it is the little foxes that destroy the vineyards. This is not a call to morbid introspection, but to simply allow the Lord to take out His lantern to search your heart. Rarely does the Lord show us things that we did not already know about. The problem is that we can get so used to dirt that we refuse to call it dirty anymore. Allow Him in infinite kindness and unconditional acceptance show you the dirt so you can come into agreement with Him about it (that’s called confession) and be cleansed, and filled. John 7 says that the Holy Spirit is poured out when Jesus is glorified, and even though he has been glorified and crowned King in heaven, until He has been glorified in your heart by being crowned King of your life, He will not pour out His Spirit on you so that He in power can live His glorious life through you. Only those imprisoned by His will truly live liberated lives.

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