Retro One Thing 06/21/2016

Jn.4:7, There *came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus *said to her, “Give Me a drink.”

The story of the woman at the well isn’t just the story of Jesus quenching her thirst for love; but it is also the story of her quenching His thirst for love.
At the cross Jesus cried out “I thirst.” This wasn’t His longing for a physical thirst to be quenched. This was His giving voice to the infinite thirst of God for love. He longs for us to receive His love, and in return love Him back. Those two words, “I thirst,” was Jesus’ way of explaining why He went through all the suffering He endured. It was because of His thirst for us.
This Samaritan woman had spent most of her life failing at love, and Jesus was letting her know that her love was what He wanted above all other loves. She probably, at this stage in her life, felt like she had nothing of value to offer anyone, but Jesus was letting her know how much He valued her, and that she had had the most valuable thing in life to offer Him; her love. This is what a True Worshipper is. A volunteer prisoner of surrendered love. Our volunteer love for Him (in response to His living water of love for us) that quenches His thirsting heart, is His magnificent obsession. It is our great treasure that we can lay at His feet, no matter who we are.

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