Retro One Thing 05/16/2012

The Lord is the Portion of My Inheritance

The Lord is the portion of my inheritance,
And He is my cup.
The Lord is the portion of my inheritance,
And He is my cup.
Thou wilt show me the path of life;
Thy presence is fullness of joy.
At Thy right hand there are pleasures
For I have set Jesus forever before me:
He’s at my right hand.
For I have set Jesus forever before me:
He’s at my right hand.
Therefore is my heart glad, My spirit rejoiceth,
My flesh rests in hope.
Therefore is my heart glad, My spirit rejoiceth,
My flesh rests in hope.

This is an old Hymn that is taken from Psalm 16. Quite a remarkable Psalm. The context of this Psalm is that David is surrounded by Saul and his army, and Saul is about to rush in to kill him. Being trapped and waiting for Saul to act, David writes this Psalm.

I want to just look at one thing David says. He says, “The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup.” Cup is often used in scripture to speak of reality, or situation. At Gethsemane Jesus prayed for the CUP (what He was facing; His reality; His situation) to pass before Him, then of course He embraced the Cup. So again, Cup refers to the situational realities that you are facing.

David’s situational reality was not a good one. He was surrounded by it, yet he declares that his reality was the presence of the Lord. His Cup was the beauty of the presence of God. He says that his inheritance (that which had been passed down to him) was God’s presence, thus the lines (the scope of his inheritance) had fallen to him in pleasant places. In other words, “Life is good, because I have His Real Presence.” The beauty of the Lord, His tangible presence, was his cup, and his situation, not the stuff going on around him out there. His realty was that he hadn’t inherited a mess, he had inherited the Glory of the Lord.

No matter what’s surrounding you, remember that your real CUP that you get to drink from, is the presence of Jesus, and in His presence is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore.

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