Retro One Thing 05/06/2013

John 16:33 Amplified Bible. I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]

The Lord doesn’t try to soften the blow when He makes it clear that in this fallen world we will have tribulation. This is a promise that each of us can count on. Jesus said I’ve told you these words that you might have perfect peace. I don’t know about you, but my first response to a promise like this isn’t perfect peace. Then He goes on to say another amazing thing; He says BE OF GOOD CHEER. Good cheer? Really? If we are guaranteed tribulation, trials, distress, and frustration, how in the world can He tell us to be cheery. The word there literally means “CONSTANTLY cheery, confident, and courageous.” In other words, with courage, confidence, and joy in your heart, go face life every day. How is that possible?

I think the real answer is not How, but Who. He goes on to tell us that the reason for His offer of perfect peace, and admonition to be of good cheer, is because our peace, and joyful confidence is found in Him, and the fact that He has overcome the world. It’s nice to know that He has overcome the world, but what has that got to do with me? The reality is that as a Christian you are In Christ, and because of that you have His very life with you and in you at all times. He is not there in you as some stagnant cheerleader urging you on to do your best, but He, as Risen King, is actively at work as your very life. You see, He can encourage us to be of good cheer, and He can promise us perfect peace because He has Overcome, and thus lives in us as the proven Overcomer. He even conquered the worst this life can throw at you; Death.

The risen conquering King is your life, and having already proven that there is nothing life can throw at Him that He is not Big enough for, He says “Cheer Up; simply relate every situation in your life to my adequacy, confident that I, once again will be Big enough for it. I was and am still the OVERCOMER Who now living in you am prepared to live the same life I lived then, now through you.”

Go ahead and face your day, thanking Him in advance that He will be Big enough for it all. Christ is Our Victory!!!

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