Retro One Thing 04/29/2013

“If we believe not, He abides faithful….” 2 Timothy 2:13 KJV.

There is so much teaching out there about faith that it can get rather confusing. Sadly, much of it magnifies faith instead of the One Who is faithful. Faith is like eyesight in that you don’t know it’s working until its focused on an object outside of itself. Without understanding that, we end up having faith in our faith. It’s not great faith that we need, but instead a fresh vision of the greatness of the One we are called to put faith in. In every promise it’s His faithfulness that’s at stake, not our faith. Do we believe He has the integrity and the ability to do what He said? Is He faithful? Even if you don’t feel much faith, will He be faithful? Our faith doesn’t make Him faithful; He either is, or He isn’t. Abraham concluded that God was able and willing to perform what He had promised. It says in Romans 4 that because he was convinced of God’s faithfulness, he grew strong in faith. Faith didn’t start with faith, it started with the character and ability of God. In other words, His faithfulness. It says about Sarah in Hebrews 11, that her faith was the result of considering Him faithful Who had promised. Do you see it? It’s all about Him, not my faith. Even when I believe not, He abides faithful. So if you are like me and sometimes just don’t feel any faith, simply rest in the FACT that He is and will be faithful. If you do that, then you know what you just did? You just walked in faith, because that’s what faith is; resting in the full assurance that He will be faithful, despite what you see or how you feel.

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