Retro One Thing 04/29/2014

Joel 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!
For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.

The space between longing and realizing is The Valley of Decision. Those longings and heart cries to go to the next place in the things of God, are birthed in us by the Holy Spirit but, before we can get to that place of experiencing those heart longings, we first must face some decisions that will involve letting go of some things and surrendering to complete obedience in others.

To go deeper, and thus farther, there are always new decisions to be made. The reality is that most of the time those decisions are made in a valley. Before our longings are realized God usually arranges some valley for us to go through, so that in the crucible of the valley we are brought from the place of desire to the point of decision into the place of realization.

If you find yourself in a valley, maybe God has brought you there to isolate you, so decisions can be made which will thrust you into the land of Longings Fulfilled.

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