Retro One Thing 02/24/2013

Unfortunately we often look to our feelings to help us determine the truth. If we feel a certain way, then it must be true. What we forget, is that our emotions are also affected by the Fall, and therefore, they can’t always be trusted. Feeling good is wonderful, and if given a choice, I’d rather feel good than feel bad, but feelings are easily manipulated, and if they are your primary focus then you become extremely vulnerable to the enemy. Jesus made it very clear that it is the truth that sets us free. The “Truth” is what God says about a matter, and many times what He says about a matter contradicts how we feel. During those times it’s imperative that we walk and talk the “Truth,” and not our feelings. Eventually our feeling will come around and obey the truth. Our emotions were meant to serve us, not the other way around. Don’t allow yourself be mastered by your emotions. It is a cruel master.

I remember many years ago a dear friend, and older brother who taught me a lot, was going through a dark time as far as his emotions were concerned. I saw him one day, knowing his emotions had kind of checked out, and asked him how he was doing. He looked straight at me and said, “All I know is that I am filled with, and walking in the Spirit.” That was one of the greatest lessons he ever taught me. He was saying that as far he knew he was choosing to love, trust, and obey Jesus in that moment, one moment at a time. That is so powerful. Soon, of course his emotions came around, but he was at a deeper and more mature place because of the test that God allowed him to walk through. If you are going through a time when your feelings are fragile, then maybe God is teaching you to trust in something more stable; “The Truth.” Don’t be in bondage to your feelings, instead, walk in the truth and watch the truth set you free.

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