Retro One Thing 02/08/2012

Romans 15:13 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The God of hope wants to abound in hope. Not just have hope, but abound in hope. Christians, of all people should be people of hope. We should be people who actually abound in hope. Our future is guaranteed to be glorious. In the present we are In Christ. Not only are In Christ, we are seated in the Heavenly places In Christ. Therefore, from that lofty position where everything looks different, He is our living reality everyday, and no matter what circumstances surround us, we know, not just think, that he is causing all things to work together for our good. The resurrection tells us one clear thing, He Wins, and He always does.

When you look at this verse though, it says that there is an abounding hope that comes from the power of the Holy Spirit. The word “abound” here mean to overflow, or to bubble over. How does this happen? Do you just ask for it? This verse says that it comes from God filling us with All joy and peace in believing. Not just some joy and peace, but all joy and peace. Do you hear that, if I am believing (walking in faith) God is able to fill me with all joy and peace, and if I’m living in all joy and peace, then the Holy Spirit supernaturally causes me to bubble over in abounding hope.

I think abounding hope is God size hope. I think it is the hope He lives in. I don’t think God has normal hope. Nothing about God is normal. His hope is a supernatural, transcendent, bubbling over, overwhelming kind of hope. Heb. 11:1 says faith is the substance of things hoped for. So hope gives birth to faith, then Romans 15 says that if we are walking in faith God will fill us with all joy and peace, and then the Holy Spirit gives us abounding hope. So hope gives birth to faith, and faith gives birth to abounding hope, which gives birth to abounding faith, etc. I think this Believing thing is worth giving it a shot. Good stuff happens from it.

Have a great day walking in faith, experiencing all joy and peace, and abounding in hope.

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