Retro One Thing 02/09/2017

John 1:35 Again the next day John was standing with two of his disciples, 36 and he looked at Jesus as He walked, and *said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” 37 The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. 38 And Jesus turned and saw them following, and *said to them, “What do you seek?” They said to Him, “Rabbi (which translated means Teacher), where are You staying?” 39 He *said to them, “Come, and you will see.”

These were the first two disciples to follow Jesus. One was Andrew, Peter’s brother, and the other is assumed to be John. In light of these being the first two to follow Jesus, He teaches them something at the first which will be the foundation of their discipleship and is the foundational cornerstone on which all of our discipleship is built on.

They asked Jesus a very simple question. It was the first thing any of His disciples ever asked Him: “Where are you staying?” It’s interesting to note that Jesus did not answer their question, instead, He simply said “Come, and you will see.” They wanted to know where Jesus was going, but He wanted to teach them a very important lesso  if they were going to follow Him into all the places He was going to go.

You see the disciples were just like you and me, in that we all like to be in control. We all want to know what’s coming. It’s a self protection thing. We want to live by the principal “See and come,” so that we always know we’re about to get into. There are times of course when Jesus lets us know where we are headed, but much of the time He wants us to live by raw faith, simply trusting Him wherever He may lead. I have found that the most important lessons I’ve learned about being a follower of Jesus is when He simply says to me “to come,” one step at a time by faith, trusting Him with the outcome.

Maybe like some of you, fear is my greatest weakness, therefore I like to be in control and cannot stand to live in the realm of the unknown. I like to know what’s coming next so I can know what I’m about to face. The problem is, when I try to figure out what’s coming,  I usually try to manipulate everything around me so things turn out better. How foolish! I’ve learned, and I am still learning, that if I will just trustfully follow, without any insight at all as to what I’ll be facing, in the end I always get to see Him being good and faithful. This is discipleship 101. Everything else in the life of following Him is built on this truth. If you get this one down, the enemy knows that he will be in real trouble because the Lord will be able to lead you anywhere and into anything, even into the unknown.

This I can tell you; Jesus was with the two disciples the whole journey, every step of the way, as they traveled along to where He was going, and when they got there, He was there too.

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