Retro One Thing 02/09/2016

Col. 2:9 For in Him all the fullness of Deity is embodied, 10 and in Him you have been made complete (full), and He is the head over all rule and authority;

Here is a quote from Hudson Taylor’s own testimony as he discovered the limitless wonders of our Union with Christ; “Let us not then want to get anything out of Him, but rejoice in being ourselves in Him — one with Him, and, consequently, with all His fulness. Not seeking for faith to bring holiness, but rejoicing in the fact of perfect holiness in Christ, let us realise that — inseparably one with Him — this holiness is ours, and accepting the fact, find it so indeed.”
Because we are In Him we aren’t to try and get more; instead we are to celebrate the “MUCH MORE” that He has, that is already ours because we are in Him. You see, whatever FULNESS we experience is always just a realization in our experience of His FULNESS, that we’ve possessed since our New Birth.
Think of how this affects our everyday lives. Can you face anything today, internally, or circumstantially where His FULNESS won’t be sufficient. As I have said before, the Christian life is not fighting for a place of favor, blessing, and anointing from which we can live; instead it is living in a place of favor, blessing, and anointing from which we fight.

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