True Christian counseling and true inner healing are not trying to add to the finished work of the Cross but are trying to convince a person of what Jesus has already done for them and in them, and then calling forth the New Creation that they are in Christ. In the process of helping someone see the truth about who they are in Christ, there are obviously some strongholds that need to be pulled down that can prevent a person from seeing the truth that sets them free; but make no mistake, when Jesus said “It is finished” at the Cross, He meant it. Everything we do in ministering to someone else to bring them healing of any kind starts from us understanding His completed work at the Cross. The most foundational reality about every believer is their Union With Christ, which was accomplished in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. Our union with Christ was accomplished at the Cross, was realized at our new birth, and is manifested day by day as we live by faith. The new self that we are from the very outset of our Christian life is complete in Christ, though discovered endlessly in our intimate relationship with Him and manifested fully as we celebrate by faith all that we are in Him; thus, He in us. We don’t set the captives free; He already did, and we are simply being used by the Lord to announce their freedom in Christ and to call it forth in boldness. Unfortunately, many have been confused by the Church by being told that union with Christ is something we strive towards, but the glorious gospel, that union with Christ, is something that we were born into at our new birth, and we are simply called to rest in it, and live from it, not towards it. The Old Man is dead, and we are now Kings and Queens in Narnia; once a King and Queen in Narnia, always a King and Queen in The Kingdom.