Retro One Thing 01/26/2013

2Cor. 5:9 Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him.

The word ‘ambition’ in verse 9 comes from two words. The first word is ‘to love,’ and the second is ‘to honor,’ or ‘price.’ Also, the word pleasing is written in such a way grammatically that it means continually pleasing. Put that all together, and it means to love, to honor, and to pay any price to be continually pleasing to Him.

To bring His heart continual pleasure was Paul’s great love and purpose, no matter what price was required to do that. Wow! What an ambition. To wake up everyday with your great passion to love Him, to bring Him pleasure every moment. To go to bed at night, looking back at your day, evaluating whether you were successful, based on whether you loved Him. It so simplifies your goals in life. I want to be a successful man, I want to have a successful ministry, and I want to live a successful life, and all of that is determined by one thing alone; am I loving Him, and is my one love and and ambition to bring Him pleasure. What a glorious ambition.

We may not always bring Him pleasure, but if that is your love, your quest, your reach every minute, then you are the most successful, and fulfilled person alive. Remember, the true measure of a life is love.

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