Retro One Thing 01/20/2012

John 15:11-15″I’ve told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends. You are my friends when you do the things I command you. I’m no longer calling you servants because servants don’t understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I’ve named you friends because I’ve let you in on everything I’ve heard from the Father.

As I have gotten older, I’ve come to so appreciate Old Friends. People you have a history with. There is such depth of acceptance, comfort, and fondness. So many stories and events, both joyful and sad. When you are with them there seems to be no pretense or insecurity, but just a seamless flow of shared life that has deep inner personal insight, affection, and trust.

So many people long for lost youth, but I rejoice in earned depth of intimacy that the years have wrought out. Youth is awesome, but it is too filled with mistrust, silly judgements, and longings for the less real and unimportant. Too much keeping score over meaningless games that have no lasting value. Lived right In Christ getting older is so cool.

In these verses in John 15, Jesus calls us His friends, which means someday you get to be His Old Friend. It is becoming so cool to be His Old Friend. The trust level is so wonderful, and the affection is so secure and full of rich layered depth, brought about by years of adventure and stories only He and I can fully share in our heart of hearts. It doesn’t feel like being settled down, but just settledness from which new, greater adventures can be birthed. We know each other so well that we know what we want to do and where we want to go just by smiles and slight movements. Faith, and mutual trust is simply a restful reality. There is no anxiety, or insecurity, that comes from the fear of rejection; just a knowing deep on the inside that promotes transparency and holy humor that travel on rivers of affection that can only be described as maturing First Lov

If getting old means being His Old Friend, bring it on! I think I understand better what Paul meant when he said, “these momentary light afflictions are producing in us an eternal weight of glory.”

Have a great day In Christ.

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