Retro One Thing 01/17/2017

2 Cor. 5:9 Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him.
Rom. 14:9 For to this end Christ died and lived again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.

One of the great stumbling blocks for Christians is to compare themselves to others. It is so easy to fall into jealousy, envy, and even discouragement when we compare ourselves because the enemy wants us to feel left out, left behind, and in general he wants us to feel like failures, whose destiny is turning out to be disappointing. This is such a ploy from the evil one, who comes to kill, steal, and destroy our peace and joy by blinding us to to heart of our true destiny from which everything else flows.

If you look at that verse in Romans 14, the Holy Spirit makes it very clear what Jesus is after; that is, what He came and died and rose again for. He died and rose again that He might have a people who would love Him by the voluntary surrender of their will. To really love Him is much more than just a feeling; it is to surrender your will to Him and to obey Him as the primary ambition of your life. The most famous saints and the most obscure and hidden away Christians are all measured by the same measure in the eyes of God, as far as success is concerned.

Is it your ambition to be pleasing to Him, in every situation of life without offense in your heart? A bedridden believer, yet to be healed, who has said yes to Him without offense in their heart, is doing God’s will and fulfilling the heart’s desire of Jesus as much as the most famous revivalists in the world who maybe ministering to hundreds of thousands of people, seeing signs and wonders happen everyday.

According to 2 Corinthian’s 2:15, “We are a fragrance of Christ to God among those…” We are a fragrance to Him first and foremost. What He does with our lives is up to Him, but our chief ambition can’t be how much we impact world, as important as that might be, but our chief ambition is to be pleasing to Him. If you are doing that, because you have set that as the goal and ambition of your life, then you are as successful as the most successful persons who have ever lived in the eyes of God. God may give you many assignments, big or small, that carries fame or obscurity, but He want you to have one primary dream and that is to live a life, day by day, in the monumental moments and in the mundane, that is pleasing to Him. That’s what He died for. That’s what He lives for.

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