One Thing 01/31/2021 Til Death Do Us Unite by Karen Welch

I, Karen, am still thinking about the death of loved ones, Christ’s union with me, and our separation.  I see this ebb and flow of separation and reunion that runs through a Christian’s life and is entered into through deaths.  Spiritual separation through death because of Adam’s sin; spiritual reunion because of Christ’s death on the Cross.  Our death to self to enter into union with Christ. Union in marriage, separation when one dies, and reunion when the remaining spouse dies.  (Wow! That truly is a picture of Christ and the Church.)

Whether death brings separation or re-union in my experience, seems to depend on what side of death I am on.  Oh, how thin that veil must really be and maybe, just maybe, the separation is much less than I imagine.

I was always intended to be in union with Christ. He has lovingly borne the burden of our separation since the Fall.  He has loved me that much!  His love and desire for restored union with me was so great that He was willing to die on the Cross for that union to be restored.  His death made a way for us to reunite in spirit while I am here on earth, and when I die, I will enter an even more perfect union with Him.  It was “till death do us” unite that happened at the Cross.  And what God has reunited will never again be put asunder.


Blessed Assurance – Fanny Crosby

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of salvation, purchase of God
I’m born of His spirit and washed in His blood

This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long
This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long

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