One Thing 9/22/15

We spend so much of our time as Christians believing that Christ CAN, instead of taking hold of the fact that HE IS. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “My grace is sufficient for you.” It doesn’t say His grace could be, or might be, or even will be sufficient. It says His grace IS. That means you’ve got it right now. We need to start trusting that HE IS and acting accordingly. Wherever you are at, whatever you are facing, you have the sufficient grace of God so that you can walk in victory. Now that is the truth so give thanks. When you do that you are acting as if it is so, even though it isn’t so yet in your experience, in order for it to be so. You are entering into what is already true. That is the difference between victory and defeat.

Today, trust that HE IS and actively give thanks that you have sufficient grace for everything!

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