One Thing 9/8/22 A fairy tale that isn’t one

The more I age in Christ the most childlike I seem to become. Lewis’s Narnia seems more like an accurate description of life in the “Kingdom of His beloved Son” than a spiritual fairy tale. There is something deliciously mystical and magical about life lived “in Christ.” It’s as if grace slipped me a Jesus mickey and I just can’t seem to get over it.
We were all born lost in the broadest sense of the word, guilty of Adam’s sin (that’s stuff of serpents and fairy tales) and of course over time guilty of our own. There even existed a long list (an actual certificate of debt) consisting of hostile decrees against us. If that weren’t bad enough, we were born with a spiritual virus called sin that enslaved us to its horrific symptoms, and this evil demonic virus had a 100% fatality rate. Our monstrous condition called “flesh” left us with a cavernous hopelessness and even worse, we were dreamless, because in that kingdom called “darkness” dreams never come true, or if they do they deceive us with their transient attitude.
Miracle of Miracles, into that black hole of despair, one whose name is King of Kings stepped out of His heavenly realm and magically clothed Himself in our fallen humanity. He totally dove into our spiritually war torn world and absorbed all of our “fleshness” into His person. He actually became “sin” itself, and for the joy set before Him surrendered to humanity’s cruel response to Him, (as God was behind the scene working His deepest magic) and was nailed to a piece of wood. Though the serpent thought he had won, he actually swallowed himself, for the great King didn’t just die, He died to rescue us. It was bigger than just dying for us, but somehow (only in fairy tales) He died “as us.” In Him the certificate of debt that was hostile to us was annihilated; the virus enslaved person we were died in the Kings death, and the greatest miracle of all, on the third day a new creation, hidden in the life of the King, arose like a Phoenix, forever ingrafted into the remarkable life and existence of the hero King. His very life as our life lived by Him through us. In union with Him everyday, forever. The stuff that fairy tales are made of.

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