One Thing 9/28/21 Living by His faith

“I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the son of God, who loved me and delivered Himself up for me.” (Galatians 2:20)

We live in union with Christ, and just as his holiness is our holiness, his anointing our anointing, his power our power, his love, patience, etc., ours. Also, therefore, his faith is our faith. Have you ever felt that your faith was too weak at certain times when facing daunting situations? The good news is that we don’t live by our faith; we live by the faith of Christ. We exercise faith by simply yoking to and resting in what he has faith for, and there is no situation or ministry opportunity too daunting for him.

“Jesus is the author and the perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 11:2). Jesus is perfect faith, and he takes up our feeble faith and enfolds it into his own, taking the burden of having enough faith off of our shoulders. 2 Corinthians tells us that in our weakness, his strength is made perfect. This includes our weak and feeble faith made perfect in his perfect faith. Christ faith is the foundation of our life of faith. It is so comforting to me to know that I don’t have to feel guilty about having weak and feeble faith because my confidence is not in my faith; it is in his, and I can rest in his faithfulness. Jesus invites me to simply join my mustard seed to his perfect faith. 2 Timothy 2:13 says, “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for he cannot deny Himself.” Jesus can’t stop being Jesus in any situation, and he has absolute confidence in his ability to handle anything. The burden to have perfect faith has not been thrown on to us. Just like everything else in the Christian life, God has left the burden on him. I am not saying our living by faith doesn’t play a role in our Christian life because the Bible makes it clear in both the Old and New Testament that “the just shall live by faith,” and “without faith, it is impossible to please God.” What I’m saying is, in light of the fact that “Christ is our life” it is his faith that we abide. Our part is to get our eyes off of what we can or can’t believe for and to rest in what he believes for. That is faith! Just think of the boldness, and internal restful peace we would walk in if we practically lived by the faith of Christ.

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