What is Christ likeness? Is it an imitation of Jesus? Absolutely not, for an imitation of Jesus, no matter how sincere, would always be a cheap imitation of the real thing. Christ likeness is experiencing His experience and reflecting that reality in your life. Christ likeness is a participation in the life that Jesus lives, and, therefore, a manifestation of that life. Let your imagination run wild. Can you imagine what kind of experience Jesus has in His inner man? Can you imagine what kind of anointing Jesus carries to impact the lives of others? If you can imagine those things, then imagine if you were so united/intermingled with the life of Jesus that the interior and ministry life of Christ is yours to experience. Imagine spending just one day experiencing what His experience. The gospel/the good news (actually the amazing news) is not that you get to experience His experience for one day, but that it is your privilege in Christ to be enjoyed every day for all of eternity. Eternal life is not about duration, though it does last forever, but eternal life is the life Jesus lives in the here and now and forever in union with you and me.