One Thing 9.16.13

In Revelation 21:5, Jesus said, “I am making all things new.”

The translation of the NASB is the correct one because the language is that He is “continually” making all things new. That is such a powerful thought. It’s not that He made you new when you became a Christian and if you’ve messed it up you’ve blown your chance at newness of life; instead He is always making things new. When I go to Him with my sin and failure my tendency is to wallow in my failure, having confessed my sin, because I’m so disappointed in myself and am sure that He is utterly disgusted with me. The reality is, He is ready to get past my repentant confession and wants to talk to me about making all things new again. His mercies are new every morning and He paid the ultimate personal price that I might experience newness of life, so He wants to talk about restoration, redemption, and going forward to be the New Creation He died for me to be. He took the Father’s judgement for your sin on Himself so that He could create not condemn. He is there, in the presence of your offense prepared to forgive, cleanse and do what He came to do, restore the normality of Heaven where the abnormality of the Fall has manifested itself in your life.

In other words, MAKE ALL THINGS NEW.

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