One Thing 8/4/14

Song 1:11 ¶ “We will make for you ornaments of gold
With beads of silver.”

There is no limit to what God can do with a yielded heart. The work of transformation is God’s part, but we have to put ourselves in position, by our surrendered will, for Him to be able to do that work in us. Notice that verse 11 begins with the statement that “We will make for you…”; that is, God will do the work. We can’t change ourselves into Christ likeness, only God can do that, but we can with a yielded will allow God to do the supernatural work in us that’s necessary for us to become more like Christ. That’s all God is looking for; a willing heart. You see, a willing heart is the foundation of a lovesick life. The amazing thing though, that even a willing heart is a work of because grace in our lives, for Philippians says that it is God who works in us to both will and to do of His good pleasure. Just think of that; He works in you the desire to yield, and also places in you the power to do the very things you are now willing to do. Notice what He says in verse 11 of the things He’s able to work into a life that has said yes to him. He said that he would make for us “ornaments of gold with beads of silver.” Gold always represents divinity, and therefore the ornaments of gold represent Christlike divine character being worked in our lives by his power and grace. Silver in Scripture, always speaks of Redemption, or a redemptive work. (Psa. 130:7) “O Israel, hope in the LORD; For with the LORD there is lovingkindness, And with Him is abundant redemption.”
The word redemption is one of the most powerful words of all of Scripture. Redemption doesn’t just mean to forgive, though it certainly does mean that, but it means more. It means to forgive, and to restore, and to overrule for good all the loss occasioned by sin. What God does for a surrendered heart, is not only create new areas of Christ likeness in your life, but He also takes those things in us, even strongholds, and cleanses those places and redeems them, and brings Christ likeness out of those places. This is Paul’s testimony in 2 Corinthians 12, when he says that in his weakness God’s strength is made perfect. Those areas in your lives that satan has convinced you can never change can become Beads of Silver in the hands of our “Kinsman Redeemer.” He is even committed to redeem the messes that our bad choice have created, in the circumstances of our lives. Surely those words “So great a Salvation,” are gloriously true. How did you get saved? You simply, by faith, surrendered your life and eternity to Him, and LET HIM. Therefore, how does transformation, and sanctification happen? You simply, by faith, surrender your life and spirituality to Him, and LET HIM.

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