One Thing 8/15/17

S.S. 2:3b-4, With great delight I sat in his shadow,
and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
He brought me to the banqueting house,
and his banner over me was love

His shadow of course speaks of the presence of Jesus. As people who are in Christ we have been baptized into His presence, and He invites us to sit down (rest) in that reality. It is only resting in His presence do we experience great delight. I’m not talking about spending time alone in worship and prayer primarily; instead, being in Christ, we carry His presence everywhere we go, and into whatever activity we engage in. It is in the busyness of real life that we can rest in Him under His banner of love, feasting on His limitless provision of grace, for He is the banqueting table. Interior rest is the ultimate expression of faith, and under His banner of love faith is easy, for faith continually works through love. You can recognize a Christian who has crossed over the Jordan of death to independent self effort, and has entered into resting in Christ, relishing His presence, while constantly receiving Him as our provision; they are full of delight. Life itself becomes the great sacrament of joy. The joy of delighting in Him, His love, and His all sufficient, ever available grace, is life lived more abundantly.
Our Christian life should be one of perpetual sheer delight.



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