One Thing 8/13/14

Song 1:12 ¶ “While the king was at his table,
My perfume gave forth its fragrance.

There is another interpretation of verse 12 that I want us to look at today. The “King’s Table,” can also be a reference to the Eucharistic, or Communion Table. There has been a lot of controversy theologically concerning The Table of The Lord, but the truth is that throughout Church history the vast majority of Christians have believed that there is a special presence of Jesus to be experienced at the communion or Eucharistic table. The Table of a The Lord was so central to the Early Church that a belief in the “Real Presence” was a foundational truth that separated authentic Christianity from the false and heretical. Just as the whole issue of spiritual gifts has been a tragic controversy (created by the devil) in the Church, that has robbed so many of a grace from God, the battle over Eucharist has also been a demonically inspired battle, that has robbed millions of a great gift from our Lord. As a Christian who adamantly believes in God’s supernatural activity, and who passionately longs to experience more of His presence, Eucharist (Communion) is one of the most miraculous, and intimate times in my life. It is a place where I encounter again, and again the stunning nature of His love, and His miraculous ability to do, and change anything. It is a lovesick moment, and a Wedding at Cana moment, where my perfume (adoration, and ravished surrender) gives forth it’s fragrance. It is so powerful that I can understand why the enemy has tried to rob us. Everybody on both sides of the controversy have to cast off a “spirit of religion,” and enter into the shocking love of a transcendent God who condescends in such humility that He comes to us in simple bread and wine. Though I had learned much over the years about this “means of grace,” I asked The Lord, on a particular day, to explain again to me what this gift of presence was all about. He spoke so clearly in my spirit, “I make myself small for you.” As I inquired of Him, He explained that He loves to encounter us in real relationship, and that in “Perfect Love’s” Humility He becomes small for us, by anointing simple bread and wine with His tangible presence, so it would be easy for us to encounter, and experience Him. Of course He would do something like that, and of course He is certainly able. I’m a charismatic Christian, so I don’t have a problem believing that He, driven by love, could and would do something my mind can’t comprehend, but makes my heart and spirit soar. This has never been a Catholic vs Protestant issue for me, but a faith issue. Actually it is a love issue. For 1500 years every Christian believed in the “Real Presence” of Jesus in the Eucharist, though some explained it in different ways. I can only explain in terms of One who is so big He can do anything, and becomes so small because He so loves. To think that He is so lovesick that He would go to such extremes in humility just so it’s easier for me to “Taste and See.” Again, of course He would; He has already proven how far He is willing to go in His love for you and me, when He, The King of Kings allowed Himself to be crucified naked on a Cross for the joy (You and Me) set before him.

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