One Thing 8/12/12

Nothing is quite so tormenting as a spirit of accusation. It happens to all of us no matter where we are in our walk with the Lord, and the intent of the enemy is to use accusation to choke out our hearts. Jesus is always trying to awaken us to be confident in love, and to believe He believes in us and the genuineness of our hearts. The spirit of accusation is sent to challenge all of that and to cause us to question God’s delight in us,and His favor in our lives. The word “petty” means to be small minded in a spiteful way. Satan is petty. Because of the bitterness of his own soul and heart, the enemy wants us to believe that God is petty. He wants us to believe that God is always out to find a reason to reject us, but of course the enemy has lost sight of the big picture that always dominates God’s heart. God sees us for who we long to be, not just how we just thought, or acted. If God finds a heart that longs to love Him and longs to live a life of hundred fold obedience (though He knows we will never quite get there) then He affirms those longingings as who we truly are. He doesn’t evaluate us, in the big picture, based on our most recent performance. It’s only when He finds blatantly persistant defiance in us that we grieve His affirming ministry. There is a big difference in immaturity, and weakness, and the defiant attitude of the rebellious. The weak and immature want God’s heart and ways, but sometimes struggle in getting there, but the rebellious are defiant and don’t care. If you are concerend about your own sincerity then your very concern is proof that you are. If your quest in life is to love Him with all of your heart, mind, and soul, or if that’s just where you really want to be, then know that the accusations that are coming against you are a demonic spirit that is trying to silence in your heart the voice of Jesus who is always affirming (even in His correction and disipline) and calling you forth to be all that He sees in you, and what He sees brings Him great delight. Be free today, and tell the spirit of accusation where to go, because that’s where he came from.

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