One Thing 8/27/20 Life behind the veil

Some years ago my heart was captivated with the joy of life “behind the veil.” Beholding His presence in the secret place has become my favorite pastime. My great passion in life’ that constantly drives me’ is to discover and experience all that I possibly can of my union with Christ during my time spent in this earth suit. I want more than anything in this world to experience and manifest the fullness of Christ. What I have discovered is that in a large measure the degree to which I live my life beholding Him behind the veil, will determine the degree to which I will consistently manifest His life beyond the veil. The life He lives through you beyond the veil in the public place is a reflection of the life you live abiding in him behind the veil in the secret place. It is true that if you want to go farther, you have to go deeper. It is also true that the width of your ministry among people will be determined by the depth of the relationship with God. This is not meant to scare you into thinking that you have to understand the “deeper things” that only a select few can understand. There were always deeper things about God to be discovered. As a matter of fact 1 Corinthians 2:9 – 10 says, “but just as it is written, Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love him. For to us God revealed them through the spirit for the Spirit searches all things even the depths of God.” The word “revealed,” in verse 10 comes from two Greek words; “from,” and “cover.” The idea being that God has removed the cover from the depths of who He is. Also notice that the word “revealed” is in the past tense. Jesus and His finish work is the depths of God uncovered, and it is the Holy Spirit’s job, and this happens mostly behind the veil in the secret place, to help us discover all that’s been uncovered in Christ. It is also true that the deeper you go, the simpler it gets, for the kingdom of heaven is for those who have a heart of a little child. The Lord told me that years ago, almost audibly, “The deeper you go Chuck, the simpler it gets,” therefore, it would also be true to say that the simpler you get, the deeper you will go. All that God has for is childlike abandonment to our life in Christ, and our pursuit to discover and experience all that’s ours in Christ. The writer of Psalm 42:7 says, “Deep calls to deep at the sound of your waterfalls.” God’s voice is like the sound of many waters and His call to us for intimacy, encounter, and discovery is the depths of Him calling for the depths of us. God exists as the most vulnerable and accessible being in the universe and when we make the plunge to choose the “better part” like Mary of Bethany did the Holy Spirit will become our tour guide into the gloriously simple deep things of God. The more you discover, the more you delight, and the more you delight in God and the things of God that you discover the more you get to experience the unsearchable treasures of Christ. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of His heart!

He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91:1)

The more you ”dwell,” the more you will “abide.”



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