One Thing 7/9/15

Song 4:9 “You have made my heart beat faster, my sister, my bride; You have made my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes, With a single strand of your necklace.
As I mentioned before, this particular verse is sort of the DNA of the whole book of Song of Solomon. The great theme of this book is not a lovesick bride, but it starts with a lovesick bridegroom. It is the story of our lovesick Savior winning, and conquering the heart of His chosen love until she too because lovesick for Him. Here is a quote from Tozer’s book God’s pursuit of Man, “Salvation is from our side a choice, from the divine side […] a conquest of the Most High God.” – A. W. Tozer; This is how the Christian life begins and continues; God’s relentless pursuit to completely conquer our hearts for love, as His eternal prize. The thought that we could ravish His heart at all is a stunning one; but to realize that it only takes one glance from our eyes and one single strand of our necklace is beyond remarkable. The “eyes” in the Song of Solomon speak about distracted devotion or love; and the “necklace,” because it goes around the neck, speaks of a yielded will and obedience, therefore one single strand of the necklace represents one single act of obedience. In John 14 Jesus makes it really clear that if we love Him we will keep his Commandments. Obedience out of duty won’t last, but the obedience of affection grows as time goes by, and as our hearts become more and more lovesick toward him. Pay close attention to what this remarkable verse is saying; one single act of obedience, done out of love and affection, ravishes His heart. Also, even one single look of affection toward Him ravishes His heart. One moment true worship and praise does Him in. One moment in heart prayer causes His Great heart to beat faster.

“Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus,” Phil. 3:11. We were apprehended for love, we will spend the rest of eternity apprehending love for Him as our lovesick response. Oh how great a salvation.

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