Samson was committed by his parents to a Nazarite devotion even before his birth. Normally a Nazarite vow was taken voluntarily for a short period of time as a special devotion to God, but Samson’s Nazarite devotion was to be for his entire life. His long hair was a sign of his commitment to God and God’s commitment to him. In Judges 16 we are told that Samson gave his heart to another and the result was that his consecration was compromised, and the extravagant presence and anointing of God was lifted. What a price to pay for a lesser love. This is the way of the enemy. He is always enticing us to give our heart to some lesser love one piece at a time, until we have given our love away to something that can never satisfy our souls. He lures us away until he has captured our hearts until one day we wake up and realize everything has changed. Samson assumed the presence and anointing would always be there no matter how he lived, but he had forgotten that his whole life was a call to undistracted devotion to God. Delilah said to him, “How can you say you, ‘I love you,’ when your heart is not with me?” He chose to give into her pulling at his heart, with terrible consequences. Guard your hearts at all cost. Your heart is what the enemy is after, and he is very patient. Treasure God’s presence and beauty. Never assume.
Fortunately that is not the end of the story. Samson’s hair did grow back, and God’s presence and power was restored. God is a God of forgiveness and redemption. If you have allowed your heart to be captured by a lesser love, God will welcome you home to His heart and He will restore.