One Thing 7/29/14

Song 1:9 “I liken you, my darling, (My Love)….”

Before we move forward to the wonderful truths of verse 11, I want to go back and look at the first few words of verse 9. Again, these are the first words Solomon speaks to His beloved in light of her decision to reach for the heights. He says “to me my darling.” Many translations translate the word “darling,” as the word “Love.” The first words out of His mouth to her, in light of this new relationship she is reaching for, is that He calls her His love. Remember, He says this to her, not in light of some extravagant act of service on His behalf, but just because He loved her. To Him, this is who she is (you are) and how He feels about her (you). This is wild love; the kind that only originates from God. 1 John 4:18, says that God loves us with perfect love. The word “perfect,” literally means “to conform absolutely to the description or definition of what’s ideal.” It means “to be correct in every detail, and to be completely exact without equivocation,” but God’s love isn’t like that at all. God’s love for you is a wild love, and it doesn’t conform to anything that can be measured. His Fiery Love can’t fit into any mold or human standard, even a standard of humanities idea of perfection. His love blasts through any description. It can’t be evaluated, or measured. His love, in that sense, is WILD. For something to be “wild,” means it is uncontrollable. Let me give you some definitions of the word “wild.” If speaking of things in nature, such as plants or animals, it means “living without human control, or care; not influenced by humans.” That means that His Wild love for you is never influenced by what others say, or think about you. Let that sink in. What He thinks, and feels about you is never influenced by anything you do or say, or anything anyone else says, or feels about you. I know that we’ve talked about this some lately, but I want us to contemplate this again, because it is such a game changer. The word “Wild,” in its 2nd description, means “untamed, uncivilized, turbulent passion, unruly (no rules), no restraint, can’t be regulated, and going beyond all normal and conventional boundaries.” In other words, it’s indescribable. It can’t be figured out. Don’t try to, or you’ll end up restricting the truth about it. It’s the one thing that won’t be defined perfectly for His love (and remember HE is love) is perfect, because it is inexplicable, breaking out of all boundaries. It makes no sense. That’s what makes it perfect.
If you read 1 John 4:16-19, you’ll discover that perfect love is perfected in us when we actually have confidence in that WILD love. You’ll never live a life of faith until you start growing in confidence in His perfectly wild love for you. Gal.5:6, says, FAITH CAN ONLY CONTINUALLY WORK THROUGH OUR REALIZATION AND CONFIDENCE IN HIS “WILDLY PERFECT LOVE.”

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