One Thing 7/28/15

Song 4:10 “How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your love than wine, And the fragrance of your oils Than all kinds of spices!


The last time we were in the Song of Solomon we looked at this verse; specifically contemplating the reality that our presence (our being present to Him) means so much to Him. We marveled at the fact that He again refers to us as His sister and bride; once again identifying with our humanity. We said that even though we aren’t always present to Him (in our inconsistent humanity) that He is thrilled when we are.

Even more glorious than that, He knows that when we are present to Him we aren’t always perfectly clean, and are often struggling with our own spirituality. The Devil tells us that Jesus doesn’t want us to be present to Him under those conditions because He is perfect. The truth is, He is PERFECT LOVE, and perfect love keeps Him from being a perfectionist. He knows that only being present to Him can we be made clean, and set free from our struggles. You see, only in His presence can we be who we are, and become who we long to be.


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