One Thing 7/25/14

Song 1:9 ¶ “To me, my darling, you are like
My mare among the chariots of Pharaoh.

Acts 13:22 “After He had removed him, He raised up David to be their king, concerning whom He also testified and said, ‘I HAVE FOUND DAVID the son of Jesse, A MAN AFTER MY HEART, who will do all My will.’

The horses that led Pharaoh’s chariots were famous for being the most beautiful and obedient horses in the world. Nothing could be done to make them disobey. No horses anywhere were as submissive. They were an ancient version of the Lipizzan horses, and often put on shows for many people, displaying their remarkable obedience. They were a source of great joy to Pharaoh. Of course they weren’t always that way. In their young life they, like all other horses were very independent, and strong willed. There had to come a point in their life when their will was broken; not their spirit, but their will. I’m sure all of you have seen this modeled in old western movies where a rider will mount an unbroken horse and ride it until it gives up. At first it is full of resistance and tries to buck the rider off, but there comes a pint when suddenly the horse stops fighting, and comes to a place of recognition that that the rider is Lord, and the only thing to do is surrender to the Masters will. You can see the peaceful, and restful submission come over the horse as it’s will is broken in absolute surrender to the riders leadership. This, of course is exactly what happens to each of us, as we finally say YES to Him and His leadership. Some of us spend years resisting His will, believing the lie, that peace and happiness can only be found in getting our own way, but the truth is, only when we, in brokenness, surrender to His will, do we find authentic peace and joy. God uses all kinds of things to bring us to that place, but most of the time He uses the crucible of circumstances, created by our own independent choices, to bring us into brokenness and submission. You see, Pharaoh’s horses weren’t just for show; they were primarily used for transportation, carrying Pharaoh where he desired to go. We like them, were created to carry His presence wherever He longs to go, as He carries out His purposes. We can never know the joy and adventure of being the set apart vehicle for His Divine Activity until we say YES to Him. You and I are His Bride, set apart for holy intimacy for all of eternity, but we are also His Body, set apart to carry His presence wherever He chooses to go, so that He once again have a body through which He can live. He calls her His darling, or His love, reaffirming their call to union in eternal affection, but He also affirms her broken will, and her desire to live a surrendered life , so that He can use her to carry His presence. Like David, she doesn’t always do His will, but He affirms her decision to reach for 100 fold surrender. She is now intentionally fighting the good fight of trusting obedience, instead of fighting His leadership, which results in the stress, and emotional exhaustion of resistance. You’ll never experience living through the Life of The Lord, until He reigns in you as The Lord of your life.

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