When you look at the book of Joel and see God’s burning heart to see the people restored to a people of true adorers, the first thing you notice is that God purposely addresses the elders and ministers. God is calling the leaders back to a first commandment life. He is calling them to burn for Him again. As a matter of fact, He makes it clear that if the leaders will allow their hearts to become exhilarating, and intoxicated with Him, it will affect 4 generations. Leaders aren’t first called to be lead administrators, or lead witnesses, or lead workers, they are called to be lead Lovers. God is looking for Lovers who have so fallen in love with Him that they, by impassioned example, will lead others to live a 1st Commandment Life. I talked to a minister yesterday who was longing, to be anointed. He desperately wanted to reach his community with the reality of Christ, so I told him to be desperately in love with Jesus as his life goal, and that the anointing will follow. He then said how could he transfer that to his people, so I simply told him the story of Joel and that if he lived delighting in the Lord as away of life, his inflamed heart for Jesus would ignite his people with a 4 generation harvest. I told him to make his life goal to harvest the heart of god first in his own life, then he can become a harvester in his assignment ministry. Wow! That’s quite a harvest. Today, as you adorn yourselves with your bridal sackcloth remember to pray for your leaders to fall into the firestorm of God’s heart, never to be the same again. 4 generations are at stake.