One Thing 7/2/20 Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

John 14:6 TPT

Jesus explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with me. To know me is to know my Father too.


Jesus is the Way; trust Him

Jesus is the Truth; believe Him

Jesus is the Life; enjoy Him


Because He is the Way, I can trust His leadership and wisdom in every situation, knowing that if He is always leading me that He is leading me in His triumph.


Because He is the Truth, I know that there is more to every situation I find myself in than just what the circumstances are saying to me, or how I feel emotionally at any time. In every storm, He is there walking on the water speaking to me, “Don’t be afraid; I Am.” He is Lord of all, and even when there are clouds and thick darkness, He reigns! Everything is ultimately summed up in Him. Jesus said if we would only believe Him, we would see the glory of God. He is the truth, though hidden sometimes by darkness. I believe Him.


As the Life, Jesus Christ is the source of my daily Christian living, and His life lived in me is the life more abundant that He invites me to experience. All the adequacy to face anything in Life is in Him, and the story of my life is now His to live; therefore, I can simply enjoy Him.

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