Isn’t it interesting that after the woman at the well encountered Jesus, and the goodness of God released through Him, she was no longer controlled by fear, or the fear of men’s rejection; instead she was controlled by the love of Christ. She had drunk deeply from the living water that Jesus offered as a free gift to her, and thus with a deeply satisfied heart she was no longer bent towards men, or what they thought about her. She had been taken by love, and was now being driven by the love of God for others. You have to remember, that when having encountered Christ, she went into Sychar in verse 28 and 29 of John chapter 4; she was speaking to the very men who had mocked and rejected her for years. This was a very religious little town, and this woman was the moral and spiritual outcast of the entire region. She had been married five times was now living with a man who she was not married to . That is why she was at the well in the middle of the day when it was the hottest. She knew that no one else would be there then, and she could avoid the guilt and shame and mocking. When she came in to the town to tell them about Jesus, they encountered a totally different woman than one they had known.
She was no longer full of fear, shame, and self rejection; she was now controlled by the love of Christ, which had given her a new identity of value and destiny. I imagined she didn’t even look the same. I believe her youth had been renewed as the Eagles.