One Thing 6/6/14

4 “Draw me after you and let us run together!
The king has brought me into his chambers.”
“We will rejoice in you and be glad;
We will extol your love more than wine.
Rightly do they love you.”

These first four versus of Song of Solomon don’t just speak of the beginning of the journey, it’s also a story of the summary of the journey into Heights. Having encountered His presence and His love in a new way, she cries out for Him to take her way into the heights of Likeness and Love sickness. The King responds by bringing her into the chambers of His heart, and the last three lines of verse four tell of the transforming consequences of the journey. It’s like when you go to a movie and they give the conclusion of the movie in the first few minutes, and then they go back and begin to tell the whole story from the beginning. Having advanced inward into the chambers of His heart she declares “We will rejoice in You and be glad; we will extol Your love more than wine. Rightly do they love You.” She uses the plural “we” and “they” in these lines because she’s describing the experience of all the Hidden Ones who have said yes to His call to deeper. Notice what she says. We will rejoice in You and be glad. One of the characteristics of the Lovesick is that their joy is in Him. Psalm 16 says that in His presence is fullness of joy, and the Lovesick have discovered that to be true. The Lovesick don’t find their joy in circumstances or situations in this fallen world. They have discovered that His presence and His affection is enough. Their hearts have been ruined for Him. Psalm 73:28 says “But as for me, the nearness of God is my good.” Paul said that he suffered the loss of all things to gain the experience of the presence of Jesus. He even said, that the experiential knowledge of Jesus was so magnificent that all the things he had to suffer loss of in order to know Christ that way he considered to be dung. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to come to a place in your life where regardless of what happens around you personally, circumstantially, financially, etc., your joy couldn’t be stolen. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be so in love with Jesus, and for His presence to be so tangibly real to you that He alone becomes your great source of joy. You see true joy, unshakable joy, is found in His presence. He loves to bless us and he brings things in our lives and we are grateful, but the great gift that nothing, and no one can take away from you is His presence,and His ravishing love. True fullness of joy is not found in other sources, including gifts, spiritual power, large ministries, or the applause of men, but only in the presence of God, immersed in his beauty. Success in life is not determined by how much stuff you have, or how many wonderful relationships you have, or the size and fame of your ministry, but in how much you adore Him.

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