One Thing 6/5/12

“And not holding fast to the Head, from Whom the entire body, supplied and knit together by means of its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.”

That is Colossians 2:19, and it reminds us that our priority in this Christian life is to hold fast to the head, not growth. Anointing and maturity are two different things. A person can know a level of anointing and still not be very mature. Growth takes time, and we need to learn to be patient with others and ourselves. We all want to be super mature believers, so we learn how to look and sound real spiritual, so we can find greater acceptance in the Body of Christ, because just like the world has certain characteristics that deem you successful, so does the Church. We all want to be deep people in the spirit, and though the young today are extraordinary as a result of their passion to sit at the feet of Jesus, there aren’t any truly deep people, there are just people who by the Spirit have been plunged into the depths of God’s heart and are reporting what they’ve discovered. At some level, that takes time. Also, maturity isn’t just about discovery, it’s about transformation into Christlikeness, and the very word transformation speaks of time, process. The depths of the heart of God and is what we are reaching for, and it makes the word “future” the most exciting word, because we know that tomorrow brings new discovery into the sacred heart of Jesus. Children shouldn’t worry about growth, they should just live life and growth will take care of itself. All of us are to “hold fast to the head” (Jesus), seeking Him, trusting Him, loving Him, and let God worry about our growth. Transformation will happen. If you are holding fast to Jesus, you WILL grow. It us from God; His way, His time. In the meantime enjoy the journey; enjoy Him; enjoy life in Him. Every minute is an amazing ride. Like any parent, He delights in you at every stage in your spiritual growth. He doesn’t enjoy you more when you grow up. He loves you and delights in you with song the whole way, and in every stage of your spiritual life.

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