One Thing 6/1/16

1 Cor.3:21-23 ”So then let no one boast in men. For all things belong to you, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present or things to come; all things belong to you, and you belong to Christ; and Christ belongs to God.”

What amazing scriptures. All things belong to you? Wow! What Peter, or, Paul, or Apollos passed on belonged to them, and us. In other words, anybodies spiritual impact, or teaching in your life belongs to you. It’s yours, not just something borrowed from someone else. If it’s touched you, then it’s as mush yours as if it originated from you. Ultimately, it didn’t originate from them, but from the Holy Spirit, if it’s from God. Death belongs to you as a Believer. You don’t belong to death. Your aren’t subject to death, as if it owned you; you own it, and it serves your story in Christ. You don’t belong to life, as if you are a servant of circumstances in your life now, or in the future. Life belongs to you, and the circumstances of your life now, and in the future serve your story in Christ. As a matter of fact, you belong to Christ, therefore all that belongs to you, which is everything, actually belong to Jesus, and thus your story has in reality becomes His story being lived out daily in this fallen world. Oh, by the way, since Jesus belongs to the Father, our whole life fits into the Fathers story for us.
This is a major part of what it means to be an Overcomer in this life.

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