One Thing 6/29/21 Sent into battle



Matthew 4:1 AMPC

Then Jesus was led (guided) by the [Holy] Spirit into the wilderness (desert) to be tempted (tested and tried) by the devil.


Luke 4:1-2 AMPC

Then Jesus, full of and controlled by the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led in [by] the [Holy] Spirit [2] For (during) forty days in the wilderness (desert), where He was tempted (tried, tested exceedingly) by the devil..


Mark 1:12 AMPC

Immediately the [Holy] Spirit drove Him out into the wilderness (desert),



The narrative of the 40 days of testing in the wilderness is not that Jesus went into the wilderness to fast and pray to have a spiritual retreat with the Father, and while he was doing so, the enemy came in to ruin the party. The true narrative of those 40 days is that Jesus was intentionally sent by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to do battle. The word “tempted” could properly be translated as “tried” or “proven.” Jesus was sent into the wilderness to become a tested and proven warrior, for there would be greater battles to fight over the next 3 1/2 years. Jesus was thrust into the wilderness to make a clear declaration to the devil that the devil’s 15 minutes of fame were up. The storyline is not that Jesus was experiencing spiritual warfare but that the devil was the one experiencing powerful spiritual warfare. The final blows of Christ at the end of those 40 days were when Jesus began to decree the word of the Lord, which is the sword of the Spirit. The problem for the devil is that he showed up with a knife to a sword fight and suffered a crushing defeat.

If you find yourself under attack, then you need to turn things around and become the attacker. You are in Christ, and you should never be the one who is whining about spiritual warfare; instead, it should be the devil who was whining about spiritual warfare that he is under because of you. The wilderness is the place where in union with the unflinching childlike faith of Jesus, you stand on and decree the promises of God. When you do that, you will discover that the enemy will eventually flee with his tail between his legs, and you will find that you have been proven and have grown as a spiritual warrior prepared to do greater damage to the kingdom of darkness in the days ahead.









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