One Thing 6/11/19 Has Christ been revealed IN you

Galatians 1:15-16 AMP
[15] But when God, who had chosen me and set me apart before I was born, and called me through His grace, was pleased [16] to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles [as the good news-the way of salvation], I did not immediately consult with anyone [for guidance regarding God’s call and His revelation to me].

Has Jesus been revealed in you? I’m not asking if Jesus has been revealed to you; but has He been revealed IN YOU. Paul is historically the greatest voice proclaiming the Christians union with Christ; and everything he preached and wrote was laced with the great truth of being in Him. My first few years of Christianity were years pursuing and learning, in the midst of a constant up and down struggle to live the Christian life; but in 1978 the Holy Spirit revealed Christ in me, and it was like being born again, again. Actually, it was like discovering for the first time what it meant to be born again, because instead of just being kind of aware of His presence in me (which I was, sort of); I personally, and subjectively realized that the risen Christ was living in me, for the purpose of living His life through me in all of his glory. I had prayed the prayer to receive Him, and I somehow knew He kept His promise to come in, but I didn’t know really why. In 1978 the Holy Spirit, in one night, baptized me (immersed me) into the life, wonders, nature, and fullness of the life of Christ. I went to bed that night seeing that Christ wanted to live His resurrection life through my weak humanity, and I woke up the next morning baptized into that reality. Christ was revealed IN ME, and I’ve never been the same these 41 years later. As a matter of fact, I’m literally still discovering daily the wonders of it all. The riches of Christ are truly unsearchable. Has Jesus been revealed in you? Ask the Holy Spirit to open up the eyes of your heart to see, and to gloriously reveal in you Christ who is your life.

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