Isaiah 55:6 says, “Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near.”
The scripture, and our experience makes it very clear that God always honors a seeking heart. His burning heart glows brighter when one of His redeemed pursue His presence. As a matter of fact, Song of Solomon tells us that just a single glance from our eyes ravish His heart. That just stuns me. The God who is self contained, self sufficient, needing nothing, has chosen to love me, and pursues a response from me that He so delights in. I’m so overwhelmed by such love and affection. I’ve never known before what it’s like to be so delighted in. I find myself so fondly, and intensely adoring Him. Well, having said that He is always longing for a response from us, that would cause us to seek Him. He doesn’t just welcome us, He is pursuing us to pursue Him. The Isaiah passage clearly indicates that there are times when it is even easier to find Him. Song of Solomon 5:4 says, “My beloved extended His hand through the opening, and my feelings were aroused for Him.” He was wanted to draw a response from her. There are those times when Jesus comes to us, and stirs us up, to make it even easier for us to seek Him with all our hearts. Ezekiel 16:8 says that there is a “There is a time for love.” The result of that time in Ez.16:8 is that we will be more fully His. I believe that we are in that time. Jesus is arousing deep feelings in His Bride to seek Him. He is leaving loves huge breadcrumbs so that it is even easier to find Him. We are in a “Much More” season, and there is this mutual cry between us and Jesus crying for MUCH MORE. Don’t you find yourself wanting to love Him much more than you ever have. That’s because He has aroused our feeling to long for more, but it all starts with His deep feelings for much more from us. Take advantage of this time, and launch out into the depths of His heart where beauty unspeakable is to be found.
Have a great day In Christ.