“Rejoicing in hope.” That’s from Romans 12, and it reminds us that we are called to “Rejoice in the Lord always,” and why we can do that. To rejoice is to celebrate something, and as a believer I always have something to celebrate and that is Hope. The word Hope doesn’t mean crossing your fingers and wishing for something, instead, it’s a word that means “confident expectation.” Peter says that we are Born Again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus. This is a living hope, not just a hope for the dying, and it’s because of the resurrection. The resurrection says so many things to us, but one of the simple things it says to me is, if He can conquer death, anything is possible. Also, the Philippians scripture says, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice, for the Lord is near.” Let’s put this all together; I can live celebrating because I have hope, and my hope is really in Him who conquered death, and the One who conquered death is always hanging around close by. My confidence is that God is never dormant. The one who overcame death is always close by, and is never dormant, so anything is possible. We get to live with the attitude that says, “Lord, I cant wait to see what you are going to do next. I don’t always know what your going to do in this thing, but you do. I don’t really know how you are going to handle this, but you do. All I know is that you love me, and that you are near, and that you are never dormant.”
Have a great day, celebrating the great adventure that is Him.