For me to live is Christ, and to die is. The words by Paul express the great paradigm for the surrendered believer. As we grow in our transforming Union with Christ there also is a growing desire to love Him, and to know union with Him, without the filters of this fallen world and our flesh. As much as we stretch for undistracted devotion in this life to the one who becomes more and more alluring everyday, the truth is we only reach for here, that which can only be fully known there. If Christ is my life, and for me to live is Christ, then 2 Cor. 5 makes since when it describes death as being swallowed up by Life (His Life),
It’s also not about escaping life because it’s to overwhelming on this side. Paul said for him to live is Christ. The best part of life is Christ and therefore life is good. Jesus said He was the way, the truth, and the life. That means that the way to heaven is heavenly since Jesus is the way. Getting swallowed up by Him is what we long for, but the One who makes life more abundant is with us now as the love of our life, and the life of our life, making everyday on the way completely satisfying, utterly fascinating, filled with longing for more.
Live a One Thing life today, In Christ.