One Thing 5/5/21 About getting Breakthroughs?

One of the reasons that we miss out on breakthroughs is because we often try to fit God into our theology about how to get a breakthrough instead of allowing God to fit us into His theology. If you force God into your conviction about what a breakthrough, or getting a breakthrough looks like, then there will be certain things, or certain experiences that you won’t be open to because it does not fit into the conclusions you have come to. There are conclusions that I have come to about how to move “from glory to glory” in the Christian life. Therefore I teach along a certain path, but it is always important for me to remember that “Jesus is Lord,” and my desire for the reality of the breakthroughs overrules what it looks like getting there. We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ; therefore, everything we long to experience in the Christian life is already ours. Having said that, breakthroughs are those times when we move from what is true about us to what is true experientially to us. The breakthroughs can come from simply “seeing” more fully and by faith, “taking” what we see, discovering that “what we take, He undertakes.” This has been my common experience, but there have been times when the breakthrough occurred through some exotic, even ecstatic experience. I would rather look weird than live empty. When we have those kinds of experiences that help us cross over into a new place in Christ, it is usually because God is wanting to do something deeper and broader in us than we were asking for. The point being, desire the breakthrough more than anything else in the world, and keep unprepared to live without it, asking God to do whatever it takes to get you there.

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