One Thing 5/29/20 Seeing Scripture through the lens of Resurrection

Luke 24:27,32 AMP

Then beginning with Moses and [throughout] all the [writings of the] prophets, He explained and interpreted for them the things referring to Himself [found] in all the Scriptures. [32] They said to one another, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking with us on the road and opening the Scriptures to us?”


After the resurrection, the disciples saw everything through different lenses. A new perspective was now opened to their view. John “saw and believed,” even though he was obviously already a believer, but now he believed in a new way. Faith now had a fresh vision and a new ground to step out on. On that first Easter, one of the encounters that the risen Christ had was with the two disciples who had left Jerusalem and were walking along the road to Emmaus. Having shared their thoughts of lost hope in light of the crucifixion of the one they believed to be the Messiah, Jesus opened up the Scriptures, and their hearts burned as he explained and interpreted for them the things concerning him found in all of the Old Testament. It is interesting to me that “it was not from the teachings of the Scriptures that they learned about the fact of the resurrection, but it was from the fact of the resurrection that they were brought to understand the Scriptures.” It was the risen Christ that opened the word of God to them, and as the risen Christ revealed Himself to them in the Scriptures, their hearts burned within them.

Without reading the Scriptures through the lens of resurrection power, you will only come away discouraged, because the Scriptures will look like a lot of demands that are impossible for you to keep. 1 John 5:3 addresses New Testament believers telling that the commandments of God are not burdensome. Because of our union with the risen Lord Jesus, and the power of his resurrected life operating in us, they aren’t burdensome. James refers to the word as the perfect law of liberty. Because Christ is risen from the dead and he is alive in resurrection power in us, then every demand that God in his word makes of us is actually a promise to us. Everything that the Scriptures require of us, the risen Jesus is prepared to perform in and through us. What we take by faith, He undertakes in power. This is why God never believes that anything he requires of us, no matter how ridiculous it might seem on the surface, is unreasonable to Him because he knows that the ability of the risen Christ is ours. God is never impressed to alter his will for us because we say things like, “I can’t take it anymore,” or “something’s got to give,” because He has already given us all that we need in Christ to do “all things.” It is exciting to open up the word of God, in light of the resurrection of Jesus, and ask the Lord to show you “the impossible things” to do because it will cause your heart to burn with fascination and anticipation as to what the risen Christ can and will do in and through you next.

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