One Thing 5/17/22 The Large room

“Every fresh blessing along the path of faith is connected with some new unfolding of the person of Christ to the soul. It is a revelation of what you already have in possession, it is true; but we know that it is a law in the spiritual life that Christ is to you practically what He is to your faith.” – Evan Hopkins.

Jesus told His apostles, “In My Father’s house are many abiding places; if it were not so, I would’ve told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.” – John 14:2.

The King James version translates the words “abiding places” as “mansions.” What we call the upper room discourse from John 14 to the end of chapter 17 is primarily about abiding in Christ, and Jesus in John 14:2 is not talking about some kind of a heavenly mansion, but the abiding places He refers to is that large place in union with Christ that includes all that He is and all that He has. Jesus went to the cross to prepare that place for us, for our reunion in His death and resurrection created that “large place” for us “in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3 describes how spiritually large it is with these words, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenly’s in Christ.” You will never get more than that as a Christian. Evan Hopkins uses the phrase “every fresh blessing,” and in today’s language, we often use the word “breakthrough.” Every time you and I experience a breakthrough, we aren’t attaining something new because Jesus in His finished work attained every spiritual blessing for us in Him already. An authentic breakthrough is simply a new unfolding of the person of Christ and all that’s ours in Him, to the soul. It is a revelation of something you already possess but maybe didn’t know about or didn’t have a big enough vision of; therefore, every true breakthrough is just coming into a “larger experience” of the “large room” that’s ours in Christ. The gospel is Jesus. The Christian life is Jesus. Revival is Jesus, and every breakthrough is about having a larger experience of Jesus. Christ, Himself is our life. We can never get more and should never live experiencing less.

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