One Thing 4/7/22 Seeing from the mind of Christ

When your eyes are fixed on an object you are not just looking at something; you are also looking from something. Humans actually see with their brains through the lenses called eyes. Seeing is always from the inside out, and as new creations in Christ, we see from the mind of Christ who lives in our hearts. He sees through the lenses of our eyes, thus converting our eyes to be the eyes of our hearts. When living from Christ, our eyes become the eyes of Jesus, thus seeing from the inside out as He sees people and situations.

2 Corinthians 5:16 NASB95

Therefore from now on, we recognize (see, perceive) no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer.

To walk in the Spirit is to discern everything from the mind of Christ. To see from Him is to be in tune with what He feels and thinks – what He perceives – at all times. Since Jesus never walks in resentment, bitterness, anxiety, etc., perceiving as He perceives is massively liberating because you are living by His faith instead of trying to muster up your own. The “What would Jesus do if He were here?” mindset has fostered the trying to do your best to be like Jesus theology. We don’t need to try to “imitate Christ” when we are in union with Him (by the way, every Christian is born again in union with Christ). Instead, we get to participate in the life that Jesus is living in us. Just think what life would be like if you were seeing what He was seeing and thinking. This is the outliving of your union with Jesus because you will be only seeing what He sees, only saying what He is saying, and only doing what He is doing. This is Christ-likeness; stewarding, not imitating the life of Christ.

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